Let No Child
Be Forgotten

New for 2024, sweatshirt/shirt orders will be done online and shipped directly to you!
Click here to order!

Sponsor a Child

Kids in Genesee County need your help.

Help a child in need!

Sign-up a Child

Since 1924, over 848,000 children served.

How to sign-up your child

Sponsor Events

We have 2 major fundraisers each year.

Sponsor our events!

Over 848,000 children served.

The Old Newsboys have brightened Christmas Morning for more than 848,000 needy children across Genesee County We truly believe that Christmas is for children and that enjoying Christmas like his or her playmates may help a child to grow up to be a good citizen.

The Kids

The Old Newsboys administer two programs for kids in Genesee County:


We have many events and fundraisers to engage in the community and increase the number of kids we can help. View our event calendar to find events you're sure to enjoy!

The Old Newsboys thank you all for for your support of our Annual Golf Classic. We also want to thank our long-time supporters and Signature Sponsor of our Golf Classic, UAW Region 1D and the workers they represent.


Sponsor a Child HERE

Make a Donation HERE

There are many opportunities and options for people and businesses to donate to the ONB, including tickets, sponsorships and in-kind donations.

Making a Difference

Improving the lives of kids throughout Genesee County

There are so many ways to get involved. Check out our upcoming events, see how you can donate, and get more information on our programs.